Thursday 30 April 2015

So, What Now?

As the title says, so, what now? You may be thinking, he's done he's practicum what else could he talk about now? Entirely true, but I don't think you know exactly what I thought, do you? ;) Take a guess. Guess how many subjects and grades I taught.

Did you say 3 subjects? More than that! 4? More. 5? Yes you're right! I did teach 5 subjects. Now you're thinking grades? Didn't he just teach grade 6? True, but I also did teach grade 7 gym! Wicked, hey?

With all this said, I'll be making a blog post for each subject I taught and reflecting on my most favorite thing about it! I taught a variety of subjects and looking back on the diversity I accomplished during my IFX, I hope will be informative to other educators out there!

For now, I want you to guess the 5, yes F I V E 5 5 5 5 subjects I taught, made lesson plans/power points/handouts/etc for. Maybe I'll give you a prize if you get all 5 right. We'll see who's actually been reading my blog. ;) Jk.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Easter Mass

During my last week, which is actually last week, our school had an Easter mass to celebrate with the entire school. I taught religion classes last week to prepare for the importance of Easter and how it's an important day for us Christians. 

I didn't think that 800 students would fit in the gymnasium, but it certainly did. A lot of the students were even asking why have an Easter celebration so far away from Easter itself? I responded saying that Easter marks celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and it's never too late for it.

I further explained how Jesus is and always will be a part of us. At times during struggle and at times during triumph. In order to prepare for the celebration, my MT played 2 hymns for the class to be familiar with. These two songs are inspiring to listen to while watching the lyrics pass by on the screen. Every time I listen to these songs, I'll always think back of the amazing students I was blessed with for my first practicum.

I hope you like these amazing Christian hymns and pass it along when you teach Religion!

Sunday 26 April 2015

Orientation Flag Making

Yesterday was a great evening to spend with my awesome Orientation volunteer team! I was, and still am, bummed about my practicum ending that it was great to see other Uni students to just laugh and hang out. It was also awesome to share (aka brag with delight) about my experiences as a student teacher and hear other people's too! This was a great opportunity to talk about what do we do now... no more planning/marking/classroom management/prepping/etc. This transition from teacher to student is just as tough as student to teacher.

Our team is called The Crookie Monsters which in my mind, sounds (and is!) the best. We cut out felt cookie monsters, one for each member on our team! Then, we'll print off each person's face and glue it onto their assigned monster. Creative, right?! I see you nodding your head there!

On the back, we have a giant C made out as a bitten cookie! It's chocolate chip obviously, the most universal and perfect treat. We even placed our hand prints via paint to add color, teamwork and unity. Tell me you're jealous. 

I am super pumped to spend more time with The Crookie Monsters and of course, Orientation 2015 in August!

Saturday 25 April 2015

My Sassy, Superb and Stunning Group of 6's

Today is Saturday. For the past weeks, my Saturdays would include working and creating lesson plans for the upcoming week. Today, however, is different. I don't have any more lesson plans to make until my APT and I don't work today since I switched shifts. I'm so used to having routine that it's strange for me to have it changed.

It's also strange that I won't see my fantastic group of grade 6's anymore. As the title says, they were a sassy, superb and stunning group of 6's that have further inspired my passion to teach. This blog post will explain what I gave each of my 6's as a little, parting gift!

I learned throughout my practicum that at any elementary age, you are never too old for stickers! So, I took a trip to The Education Station, recall my earlier blog post of how I'm in love with that store, and bought smelly stickers for each child. I gave them a sheet of varying smells in their bag!

strawberry, caramel & pineapple!
In addition to the stickers, I also made a personalized message on a colorful index card, highlighting their strengths and wishing them the best in their future schooling! It had many happy faces!

Do you remember my blog post about my class field trip to the legislature? Well, it was my second day with them and our class happened to run into the Alberta Premier -- Jim Prentice! I took a class photo of my 6's with them and printed the photo out so each child had a copy! When I gave them those pictures, every single one came up to me asking for my (messy) signature/autograph. It was super awkward, as I never consider myself famous or anything... but truthfully, it was pretty cool. But then again, people don't ask for "autographs" of famous people now-a-days, rather it's a selfie. Oh man. 

Lastly, I each gave them a lyric sheet of my Body Breaks/Transition Songs I used in class. There were 2 songs I used, since they were an older group, and as a result they totally LOVED! I told them how I was surprised that every single one of them participated in the songs and how the lyrics will help them remember to sing it, even when I'm not around. Here are the two songs I used -- they are pretty darn cool! There Was A Crocodile and Shark Song :) 

Friday 24 April 2015

Bitter-Sweet Ending

Wow, what an experience! Today was such a bitter-sweet day because it was my last day of my IFX. A lot of the students asked:

"Are you coming back to teach here?"
"Will you visit us soon?"
"Are you coming to camp with us!?"
"Can you be my teacher again?"

Unfortunately, I answered no to all of them. They're grade 6, meaning I can be more truthful and blunt with them (unlike Grade 1 or 2)! No, I won't be teaching there again. No, I won't be visiting (I have 2 days off in May and 2 in June from work!). No, I can't come to camp because I wasn't even invited. #sad. And no, I won't be their teacher again, as I'm specializing only with elementary students. 

The very last block of today, my students surprised me with a flash mob dance to Cadillac Ranch (since I taught them the dance), gave me a humongous green card and a bag full of inspiring books. It bought tears to my eyes knowing they genuinely care about me and my passion for teaching!
Even though today is my last day of my IFX, doesn't mean I'll stop blogging! As I have more time within the week, I'll reflect more about this experience as it has been truly a remarkable one! #passionforteaching

Wednesday 22 April 2015

2 Days Remain

I have been absolutely, crazy busy that I thought I could keep my promise in blogging more frequently. I guess not :(

This practicum has been such a great experience to see where my strengths and weaknesses are at. I'm looking forward for the summer to improve in areas that need improvement so that come my AFX, I'll be fully ready.

The next days are going to be so bitter-sweet! Tomorrow, our school is having an Easter Celebration and is a short day, for the staff meeting. Thus, I don't even teach anything tomorrow. And Friday, well I teach 2 subjects and we're going to have a little party for my goodbye. Please don't cry, please don't cry is all I'm thinking about. 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Week 3 Recap

I can't believe tomorrow I'm already onto week 4 out of the 5! This practicum is just rushing itself to be over. This last week was the best so far out of all of them. I think I really needed Spring Break to re-energize, collect my thoughts and come prepared as ever. Though it was a short week, it felt pretty darn long! I couldn't wait to sleep and eat.

I taught language arts, religion, health and gym this week. It may seem a lot, but it was a bit of everything, which I like! Kind of like a buffet.. ;) In language arts, I spent a majority of an evening giving feedback on my students' newspaper articles they've written! I gave them stickers (surprisingly, still at grade 6, they still like it) in what I liked about their writing and where they could improve upon. Teaching gym has to be my favorite so far, I'm teaching specifically the dance unit so all my lessons are line dances! Remember the Electric Slide? Cadillac Ranch? Cha Cha Slide? Those are all dances I'm teaching! Pretty pretty cool I must say.

Going into week 4 I'm stoked as it's the same subjects as last week. More dances, more newspaper articles and a couple health/religion classes too. I don't know how I feel come the final week as my students are truly the best.

I know I've been dropping the ball here for blogging, teachers are just b-u-s-y. Hopefully my next one will be soon. I'm sorrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

April, really?!

Oh man oh man, I can't believe today is APRIL! Sure doesn't look like it. Look at what Edmontonians have to suffer. 

Our Lawn
I guess Mother Nature was more like "April Fools, it's actually not Spring yet, so here's wind, rain and snow all to start off your April!" Yaaa, no. Not cool MN. I'm pretty bummed that Spring Break does not fully have "spring", (as the name suggests) weather. Can someone just magically transport me to Mexico please and thank you?

Yesterday, I dropped off my forms for my summer job! And since it's a bit of a drive to go there, I ended up exploring around (so that I'm already somewhat familiar what's around -- walking distance wise prior to my first day!). I walked to the mall, visited Target and then found that the Education Station is a 5 minute walk away! I've always wanted to go there, but never had the time too, until yesterday! I spent I think 45min-1hr just browsing and a nice staff member gave me a tour of the place. It. Was. Amazing.

I can't fathom or describe how the Education Station is like a teacher's pot of gold. They have basically everything, from borders to games to workbooks, you name it! Everything was organized usually by subject of age group and I just was imagining how my future classroom was going to look like! I'm serious, they even have SMELLY STICKERS! My favorite is the pizza one!

What's YOUR favorite smelly sticker?
Have you ever been to the Education Station? It's the best, for future and current educators. Throughout my summer job, I'm sure I'll be a frequent customer