Saturday, 26 December 2015

Recap: EDEL 496

A required class is taking an EDEL 4xx class, where I initially was going to take EDEL 411 or 412. Things happened last minute, classes got cancelled and shifted so I decided, why not 496?! Right from Beartracks, it's called Group Project: Integrating Language Arts & Art K-6. This was also my night class for the term, where I usually take a night class to make it easier on myself when finals arrive. Going into the first night, I was extremely nervous about this because I did not know what to expect at all. I found no professor ratings about it and none of my friends took it either. I was going in blind!

Did I also mention that this class was a combined undergraduate and graduate class?! Yes, so it was a combined class called EDEL 496/595. Intimidating, right? 

As the class went on, Wednesday evenings became easier and easier for me. I was honestly overwhelmed with the graduate students, but being the "social butterfly" I am, I connected with most of them. There was full-time or part-time or retired teachers there, literacy consultants, teachers who taught abroad, etc. I mean, I was figuratively swimming in a pool with people with tremendous amount of knowledge and experience. Why should I be overwhelmed by this when I can use this to make meaningful connections? #useyourbrains 

The evaluation component is somewhat complicated to explain. To make it simple, there was an integration project using multimodal literacy, a major essay and participation marks. However, it branches out into further marks or points for assessment. I'd rather not talk about it, BECAUSE, in this class I want to highlight what I loved and learned and what I'll be walking away from it.

Sometimes, EDEL 496 didn't even feel like a class! I felt the evening, at times, was a PD session to learn and immerse ourselves into an art environment. We did self-portraits one evening, which was new for me as I'm not into art as much as some of my peers, but do check out the progress I made throughout the term! (And don't make fun of my eyes and hair haha!)

September 2015
December 2015
In another post, I'll brag about the amazing resources we used in the class. From my five classes this term, I was exposed to SO MANY outlets of representation that I cannot fit all my knowledge into this one post. EDEL 496 focused on integrating art and language arts, and because of that I want to share what I learned to you! A big thank you and shout out is needed to all my peers and my professor!

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