Sunday, 20 December 2015

Recap: EDEL 335

Well since my last final, for EDEL 335 is tomorrow, I would much rather talk about it than study for it. Totally works in my mind, doesn't it? EDEL 335 is the curriculum and pedagogy focusing on social studies, and let me tell ya, it was an adventurous up and down, down and up roller-coaster ride for a majority of the students. We were the only class this term where our professor came from the west coast teaching us too for his first experience at the University.

The main textbook is called The Anthology of Social Studies: Issues and Strategies for Elementary Teachers where I felt reading it throughout the term has not only shaped my instruction about social studies, but honestly for all elementary subjects. The chapters are short, it is very relevant for teachers today and provides a great amount of insight for educators. I'm pretty sure I won't sell this textbook because I actually found it as one of the best teaching resources for a pre-service teacher! Some of its chapters include proper assessment, unit/lesson planning and correct evaluation of incorporating resources in a social studies classroom.

Since my final is tomorrow and I am not terribly worried about it, I'll briefly outline the summative components of this course. The two main assignments included an evaluation of teaching resources (10 in total) and a unit plan consisting of 8 to 10 lessons. Both of these major assignments were due about a week apart at the later half of the term, closer to the end of November. All of us were put to the test handling how were we able to even survive this, just because I felt that a little more time for both would have been appreciated. Looking back, it was fine to say the least, though with 4 (or in my case 3) other classes, late November/early December was one of the craziest times regarding assignments this term! After tomorrow, it will all be done. 
We learned a lot in this class actually, our professor is very passionate about social studies and it was evident in his lectures. There are two favorite things I liked about this class:

The first is how our professor incorporated cooperative learning strategies into his instruction. Similar to Kagan Learning Strategies (which by the way I have bought the full book and am planning to read!), able to see it being put into practice. Examples included using Four Corners, Hand-Up Stand-Up Pair-Up and Placemat Activity that were used in class. This helps me to see if these strategies will work in the future for my students or not. 

The second thing which I admired was my peers. Not until November is when I started to "branch out" and talk to different people about things not just relating social. Whether it was seeing then at the library, or at the cafeteria or just in the hallways, every time I initiated a conversation they would too and who would've known an hour has already passed! This one of the few classes where I know the vast majority of my classmate's names and able to recognize their faces. The last day of classes a majority of us when to the on-campus pub to relax and had a good time before finals hit. It was nice to see everyone outside of class and proves how pre-service AND service teachers are the friendliest. 

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