Thursday, 3 September 2015

BC Trip (Introduction)

I don't pump up my vacations, well really I don't get vacations. I mean it, the last official one I went on was back in 2013. I travelled to California then. This summer, I felt (and deserved) that one was rightfully needed. I had a week off in August from my summer library job to Orientation that it would be perfect to go on a getaway trip then. 

I researched and researched places that would be beautiful, inexpensive and that I would thoughtfully enjoy. I was debating to go down to the States, but the Canadian dollar is not the greatest right now, so I looked into other places.

I'm not sure how BC or British Columbia came into consideration, but it did. And I am so so SO thankful it did. My flights were at decent times, my hotel was reasonable and within measurable walking distance to a lot of places, and best of all, I was alone.

Yes, alone. Solo. By myself. All by myselfffffff. Though it was for a week, it was nice to escape a city you've fully grown up in and just explore, by myself, a new place. Here are pictures of my first day that I arrived in Vancouver!

Ain't it B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L?! 

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