Friday, 15 May 2015

Picture Book Friday: Grace For President

Grace For President is written by Kelly DiPucchio and pictures created by LeUyen Pham.
First off, look at the cover! It shows hope, joy, happiness and ready for change. I mean, look at those children's faces! 
I've chosen this book because regardless of sex, religion, age, or gender (just like in this story), there should be nothing that is stopping you in achieving your dreams. A brief synopsis of the story is Grace, the protagonist, is shocked that there were no female presidents of the US. She is appalled by it, thus decides to run for President herself. Her teacher runs a presidential class debate between Grace and another candidate. Throughout this story, the two candidates put up posters, talk to other students, ultimately getting their classmates to vote for them. 

Here is my favorite picture from the book! Look at how hard Grace is working for those votes! 
This is a great story to read to Division 1 students, however it can work with any elementary grade, of course. Also, of course this wouldn't work best with USA references, but it can be a good introduction in the social studies curriculum. The author says this book can teach students about "the value of hard work, courage, and independent thought -- and offers an inspiring example of how to choose our leaders."

I won't say I highly recommend you check out this book because all my selected books for Picture Book Fridays are ones I hope you guys will check it out.

To end off PBF, I'll always link it up for you in places you can check out this book. Click here for the Amazon link and here to check it out at SCL! 

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