Saturday, 23 April 2016

Class Recap: EDPS 410

EDPS 410, also known as Law & Ethics. This was such an interesting class, to say the least! Yesterday afternoon we had our final for it (I know what you're thinking, on a Friday? Sucks doesn't it hey?). But truthfully, in one word it was insightful. In a nutshell our class was case study after case study. I found this a lot better than full-blast lecture because we're actually applying our knowledge about ethical and legal teacher issues. Here are some main key points I learned from 410:

- Do not establish personal relationship with your students outside the classroom
- You are a teacher 24/7 - meaning the fiduciary principle (acting as a role model and trusting person) is always applied, even on your personal time
- Do not have intercourse with your students at all

Okay, so the first one is kinda obvious. Kinda. Second point, I somewhat knew but also very glad we went in depth during class and discussed. Fiduciary principle I also discussed both in my midterm AND final, so I think I should get bonus points, right?! Third point, PRETTY MUCH obvious and who ever even THINKS about doing it, shouldn't even be a teacher. Period. Enough said. End of conversation.

Lastly going to class I had lots of teacher friends to see! We occupied the back 2 rows and it was VERY bitter-sweet parting ways after our exam because it was the last one for all of us. A big shout out to all you guys because I wish you nothing but success and triumph through your teaching practices! 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Class Recap: EDPY 416

EDPY 416 introduced us to teaching English as a Second Language which also was my very, LAST, night class in my undergraduate degree. It was on Tuesdays from 5-8pm where Tuesday's were my longest days throughout the week. Seriously, it was class from 9:30am-8:00pm (but of course I had lengthy breaks in between to spend with friends and eat)! 

If you're even considering to take this class, let me warn ya, it's pretty content heavy. There were many concepts and theories and theorists and applications we needed to know. I'm not trying to scare y'all, but be warned. Despite all the information, it all was interesting to know and learn about which will be useful to know when I'll teach! 

Our assignment was pretty interesting for this one. We had to select an ESL speaker, interview them about their history and experiences learning English, then write a paper applying the concepts we learned from class. It was a process, but I appreciated this assignment because it encouraged us to get a hands-on approach of English as a Second Language and putting course content into application. I didn't too bad on it myself! Actually, it was my better assignments all term. Can I get a hoorah?!  

Night classes are always a hit or miss. I remember taking a night class several years ago and it really DRAGGED. Every minute felt torturous and I just wanted to get the heck outta there. Fortunately for this one it wasn't like that. I took this class with my best school friend and because of that, it flew by quick and at other times, quicker than expected! I'm always grateful for my connections in Education, just because you never know how it'll help me down the road! 

Stick by me with all this nerd-fest, but I think learning about Krashen's Second Language Acquisition was the most interesting. We also discussed about ethics (bleeding into EPS 410) and pathways to open up opportunities when teaching ESL. Lastly, our prof made this class more lively and upbeat. She's a bit sarcastic, like me, and I'm glad she didn't take it personally at all. Once you know me, you'll get my jokes. Trust me. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Goodbye 4th Year!

I feel that once I start school, I can't wait for it to be over. And then when school ends, I can't wait for it to start again. It's the irony of learning and University I guess! Last Thursday (my birthday actually!) was when classes finished. I only took 3 this term! CHRTC 380 (Teaching Religious Education to youth), EDPY 416 (Intro to Teaching English as a Second Language) and EDPS 410 (Law & Ethics). Although I'm not graduating this year with all my other friends, it's exciting to know I'll be back this fall to take just Art class and then my final practicum. And of course, wish all my fellow Education graduates success to new challenges! 

I'm not graduating this year (/sad face) because I decided to finish my degree with my practicum instead. Although it pushes me behind a semester, I also believed I wasn't ready to do my practicum last year either. Don't get me wrong; I love teaching and it is my honest passion doing it, but I needed something to regain myself. Time. 

I needed time to learn, grow and absorb more. I needed (and maybe still need!) to energize and regroup my thoughts and ideas. I wanted to connect more and build upon ideas. Looking back, I'm pretty positive I made the best decision for myself. And who knows? Maybe I'm not fully ready right now. I'll sure take this upcoming summer for more me time will help me even more. I think of the second practicum as a "9-week job interview" because essentially, it is. My evaluation means everything for me, and I'll be bummed if it's sub-par or just average. I hope to excel and to succeed even more with those little learners. Watch me ;)