EDPS 410, also known as Law & Ethics. This was such an interesting class, to say the least! Yesterday afternoon we had our final for it (I know what you're thinking, on a Friday? Sucks doesn't it hey?). But truthfully, in one word it was insightful. In a nutshell our class was case study after case study. I found this a lot better than full-blast lecture because we're actually applying our knowledge about ethical and legal teacher issues. Here are some main key points I learned from 410:
- Do not establish personal relationship with your students outside the classroom
- You are a teacher 24/7 - meaning the fiduciary principle (acting as a role model and trusting person) is always applied, even on your personal time
- Do not have intercourse with your students at all
Okay, so the first one is kinda obvious. Kinda. Second point, I somewhat knew but also very glad we went in depth during class and discussed. Fiduciary principle I also discussed both in my midterm AND final, so I think I should get bonus points, right?! Third point, PRETTY MUCH obvious and who ever even THINKS about doing it, shouldn't even be a teacher. Period. Enough said. End of conversation.
Lastly going to class I had lots of teacher friends to see! We occupied the back 2 rows and it was VERY bitter-sweet parting ways after our exam because it was the last one for all of us. A big shout out to all you guys because I wish you nothing but success and triumph through your teaching practices!